Commercialisation of university research outputs

University research outputs are an essential component of the triple helix and open innovation model, providing the knowledge, expertise, and intellectual property needed to drive innovation and economic growth. The commercialization of university research outputs- discoveries and innovations into marketable products or services, and technologies that can benefit society has several benefits. It can generate revenue for the university, the researchers, and the industry partners involved. It can also create new jobs and drive economic growth. Furthermore, commercialization can lead to the development of new products and services that can benefit society by improving health, the environment, or other aspects of our lives.

We have developed a three-model approach to produce meaningful university research outputs

  • Collaborative research on a variety of topics, ranging from basic scientific research to applied research in fields such as biomedicine, engineering, and social sciences. The focus shall be on technology transfer to industry for commercialization through licensing agreements, joint ventures, or other forms of partnerships.
  • Creating spin-off companies (Small Medium Enterprises) to commercialize their research outputs. The SMEs shall be owned by the partners or by the researchers themselves.
  • Deliberate programme on entrepreneurship education to provide support to business development and entrepreneurship culture in the value chain of this triple helix and open innovation partnership and encourage the start of new companies to commercialize these research outputs